Martin Environmental Technologies, LP (MET), is glad to announce that MET and DGF Industrial Innovations Group, LTD (DGF), have completed negotiating a supply agreement for Martin Stoker related components and parts, which will improve services to our customer base in North America.
MET group worked during the last 12 months on identifying locally based vendors in the USA, Canada, and Mexico that would be capable of supporting the supply chain in the areas of Martin Stoker fabricated components. The goal was to optimize several stages of the quotation process to fabrication times, as well as avoid international freight costs and associated shipping times. All these areas contribute to shorter lead times and potential cost savings.
This process was concluded last week with the supply agreement completion with DGF and currently, we are working in the contract implementation. Based on this contract, we are expanding our supply chain and we can support North America demand based on our warehouse/assembly operations in Rockaway, NJ, our extensive supply chain base in Europe and DGF production capabilities.